'Science, Pseudo-science, and Statistics in the Criminal Courts': The Baron Ver Heyden de Lancey Lecture 2010 (audio)

Duration: 1 hour 21 mins
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'Science, Pseudo-science, and Statistics in the Criminal Courts': The Baron Ver Heyden de Lancey Lecture 2010 (audio)'s image
Description: Baron Cornelius Ver Heyden de Lancey (1889-1984) was a wealthy and public-spirited Dutchman who at different times in his life was a dentist, doctor, surgeon, barrister and art historian. In 1970 he created the De Lancey and De La Hanty Foundation, to promote studies in medico-legal topics. The Foundation generously gave Cambridge the Ver Heyden de Lancey Fund, which since 1996 has funded occasional public lectures on medico-legal issues of current interest.

The 2010 Baron Ver Heyden de Lancey Lecture on Medico-Legal Studies was delivered by Professor Jeremy Horder, of the Law Commission, on 4th May 2010, and was entitled "Science, Pseudo-science, and Statistics in the Criminal Courts" (The Reform of the Rules of Expert Evidence).

For more information about the Baron Ver Heyden de Lancey Lecture series, please see http://www.lml.law.cam.ac.uk/events/vhdl-events

This entry provides an audio source for iTunes U.
Created: 2016-02-02 14:43
Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law MOVED
Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences Lectures MOVED
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Mr D.J. Bates
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Medical law; Criminal law; Statistics;
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