Bjorn L. Basberg: Maynard Keynes and his Whaling Adventures

Duration: 1 hour 3 mins
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Bjorn L. Basberg: Maynard Keynes and his Whaling Adventures's image
Description: The economist John Maynard Keynes’ activities on the stock market are well known. One company in which he bought stocks in the late 1920s was the Hector Whaling Company Ltd. The paper explores how Keynes became involved in this company and the analysis provides new insights to the more general question on the motivations and decisions behind his stock market investments.
Created: 2015-05-26 09:38
Collection: Humanities Society
Wolfson College Humanities Society
Publisher: Wolfson College, Cambridge
Copyright: Bjorn L. Basberg
Language: eng (English)
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MP3 44100 Hz 250.7 kbits/sec 115.68 MB Listen
MP3 44100 Hz 125.35 kbits/sec 57.84 MB Listen
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