The multiple dimensions of Climate Change

Duration: 1 hour 28 mins
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The multiple dimensions of Climate Change's image
Description: This seminar addressed the role of history, ethics and philosophy to inform climate change policy. Chaired by Professor James Wilsdon (SPRU), speakers included Professor Arthur Petersen (Professor of Science, Technology and Public Policy, UCL); Dr Paul Warde (Faculty of History, University of Cambridge); and Amy Mount (Senior Policy Adviser, Green Alliance).
Created: 2015-04-20 17:24
Collection: How can government make better use of expertise and evidence from the humanities?
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Jackie Ouchikh
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Energy policy; Climate change; history, ethics, philosophy and policy;
Abstract: There is a place for history, ethics and judgement when informing policy. Scientific advice becomes more reflective, and should incorporate a wider range of evidence when considering the future implications of climate change. This seminar includes an example on the history of energy policy. Historically, the mistakes or successes of previous energy policies seem to never be considered when analysing the then current decision-making processes. This lack of applied hindsight seemed pointed considering current society must now consider our implications on future generations.
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