'Independent Law Reform: Is it a Myth?' - Elizabeth Cooke: CULS Lecture

Duration: 41 mins 43 secs
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'Independent Law Reform: Is it a Myth?' - Elizabeth Cooke: CULS Lecture's image
Description: Professor Elizabeth Cooke, Law Commissioner and University of Reading, spoke about the development of police accountability in the UK in the past five decades, in a talk entitled "Independent Law Reform: Is it a Myth?" on Tuesday 4 February 2014 at the Faculty of Law, as a guest on the regular CULS speaker programme,

This event was kindly Sponsored by Simmons & Simmons.

For more information see the CULS website at: https://culs.org.uk
Created: 2014-02-05 14:26
Collection: Cambridge University Law Society Speakers MOVED
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Mr D.J. Bates
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Law Commission; Law Reform; Law;
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