The Oral Traditions of the Inugguit of North-West Greenland

Duration: 1 hour 11 mins 36 secs
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The Oral Traditions of the Inugguit of North-West Greenland's image
Description: Lecture by Dr Stephen Pax Leonard for the World Oral Literature Project Occasional Lecture Series
Created: 2012-02-10 14:49
Collection: World Oral Literature Project Lectures
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: World Oral Literature Project
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: oral history; oral literature; drum dance; inugguit; Greenland;
Director:  Stephen Pax Leonard
Abstract: Dr Stephen Pax Leonard is a research fellow at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and research associate at the Scott Polar Research Institute. He has carried out both linguistic and ethnographic fieldwork in Iceland and the Faroe Islands and has become particularly interested in aspects of dialect formation, the role of identity in small language communities as well as language revitalisation and more generally endangered languages and cultures in the Arctic and elsewhere. He has recently started a new project, documenting and researching the endangered oral traditions, verbal behaviour and communicative practices of the Inughuit people in north-west Greenland.
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