Interactive Lesson – Iterative Simple Division

Duration: 4 mins 30 secs
Interactive Lesson – Iterative Simple Division's image
Description: This clip shows a teacher in Zambia of 2nd grade students using an interactive method to review simple division problems. The students have previously been taught division, so this activity is a way to engage them and review. The activity proposes a division problem with one known number, in this case a 2, and two unknowns. The class works together through the problem, proposing numbers to fit the two unknowns to make the division statement true.
Created: 2011-08-21 15:08
Collection: Interactive teaching with digital open educational resources in sub-Saharan Africa
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: A. Cross
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Interactive teaching; open educational resources; whole class dialogue; division; mathematics; Zambia;
Abstract: This clip shows a teacher in Zambia of 2nd grade students using an interactive method to review simple division problems. The students have previously been taught division, so this activity is a way to engage them and review. The activity proposes a division problem with one known number, in this case a 2, and two unknowns. The class works together through the problem, proposing numbers to fit the two unknowns to make the division statement true.

The teacher allows the students to propose incorrect numbers and work out why they are wrong, and at one point brings in sticks to help demonstrate why one combination of numbers cannot work. Though the process takes more time then waiting for someone to come up with the right answer, or even giving the right answer away, it involves the whole class and ideally emulates the process each learner might go through if given the problem individually.
Format Quality Bitrate Size
MPEG-4 Video 480x360    1.85 Mbits/sec 62.46 MB View
Flash Video 320x240    506.37 kbits/sec 16.69 MB View
iPod Video 480x360    507.05 kbits/sec 16.71 MB View
MP3 44100 Hz 125.04 kbits/sec 3.92 MB Listen
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 44100 Hz 126.4 kbits/sec 3.97 MB Listen
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