Playing God? Towards machines that deny their maker
Total views:
(updated daily)
Disk space used: 8.18 GB
Media belongs to collection:
Faraday Institute Lectures
Science and Religion
Viewing history (views per day) << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >> Precision: day | week | month |
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Statistics by clip
Each clip represents a different encoding of the media item - different formats, quality settings or optimisations for downloading or streaming. The 'Archive' clips (if present) are for internal use, and are not directly viewable.
Clip | Views ↓ | Format | Quality | Stream/download | Disk space |
Clip 1078604 | 3,941 | MPEG-4 Video | 360p | Download | 755.94 MB |
Clip 1078603 | 149 | Flash Video | High | Stream | 227.20 MB |
Clip 1078596 | 115 | MP3 | High | Download | 49.82 MB |
Clip 1078607 | 109 | QuickTime | Medium | Stream | 178.94 MB |
Clip 1078597 | 81 | RealAudio | High | Stream | 231.93 MB |
Clip 1078606 | 60 | QuickTime | Medium | Download | 92.22 MB |
Clip 1078594 | 50 | Flash Video | Medium | Stream | 201.88 MB |
Clip 1078602 | 42 | QuickTime | High | Stream | 362.82 MB |
Clip 1302369 | 32 | WebM | 360p | Download | 331.85 MB |
Clip 1078601 | 25 | QuickTime | High | Download | 339.70 MB |
Clip 1078595 | 10 | iPod Video | High | Download | 202.20 MB |
Clip 1078605 | 7 | iPod Video | Medium | Download | 189.11 MB |
Clip 1078592 | 1 | Archive audio | High | Download | 896.74 MB |
Clip 1078593 | 1 | H264 Archive video | High | Download | 4.21 GB |
Viewing figures by format, quality and client
Format | Quality | |||
Medium | High | 360p | Total | |
MPEG-4 Video | - | - | 3,941 | 3,941 |
QuickTime | 169 | 67 | - | 236 |
Flash Video | 50 | 149 | - | 199 |
MP3 | - | 115 | - | 115 |
RealAudio | - | 81 | - | 81 |
WebM | - | - | 32 | 32 |
iPod Video | 7 | 10 | - | 17 |
H264 Archive video | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Archive audio | - | 1 | - | 1 |
Totals | 226 | 424 | 3,973 | 4,623 |
Viewing figures by country
Country | |
United States | 2,800 |
United Kingdom | 1,053 |
Netherlands | 141 |
Canada | 134 |
Russian Federation | 107 |
China | 66 |
Germany | 54 |
Ukraine | 32 |
Australia | 15 |
Switzerland | 15 |
Japan | 15 |
Bangladesh | 9 |
Spain | 9 |
India | 9 |
Korea, Republic of | 8 |
New Zealand | 8 |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | 7 |
Europe | 6 |
Italy | 6 |
Brazil | 4 |
Belarus | 4 |
Indonesia | 4 |
Hong Kong | 3 |
Kazakstan | 3 |
Austria | 2 |
Belgium | 2 |
Estonia | 2 |
Papua New Guinea | 2 |
Poland | 2 |
Singapore | 2 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 2 |
Finland | 1 |
France | 1 |
Ghana | 1 |
Ireland | 1 |
Mexico | 1 |
Philippines | 1 |
Portugal | 1 |
Serbia | 1 |
Sweden | 1 |
Somalia | 1 |
Turkey | 1 |
South Africa | 1 |
Unknown | 85 |
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This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the
GeoLite City database, available from