Faculty of English

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Note: these filters only apply to the usage statistics (number of views and amount of data downloaded).

Collections: 11
Media items: 233
Total views: 636,024 (updated daily)
Total disk space used: 72.27 GB
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Total viewing history (views per day)     << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >>     Precision:  day | week | month
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Statistics by collection

NOTE: These figures exclude media items imported from other collections. A media item's statistics are only counted against it's primary collection on this page, so that if a media item belongs to more than one collection, it is only counted once (against it's primary collection). A collection containing only media items from other collections will be shown as having no media items, no views and using no disk space on this page.

Collection Total views ↓ Media items Disk space
Lyric Poetry 347,156 154 9.02 GB
Reading Tennyson: A Celebration of the Bicentenary of the Birth of Alfred, Lord Tennyson 57,790 21 7.50 GB
Wordsworth's Prelude of 1805 49,656 12 15.62 GB
Milton 400: Paradise Lost 38,584 12 13.57 GB
Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic 11,151 1 656.69 MB
Admissions Videos 3,681 8 3.04 GB
David Foster Wallace Day - 12 January 2016 2,272 12 1.67 GB
English Faculty Library 1,407 5 15.90 GB
Faculty of English, Festival of Ideas - 2012 977 1 893.92 MB
Shakespeare Poetry Day - 23 Oct 2014 582 5 1.77 GB
Graham Storey Lectures 70 2 2.67 GB
Download collection summary

Viewing figures by format, quality and client

Format Quality
  Low Medium High 360p 720p Total
MP3 - 1,975 546,966 - - 548,941
RealAudio 396 23,901 11,327 - - 35,624
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) - 11,025 20,953 - - 31,978
Flash Video - - 10,226 - - 10,226
MPEG-4 Video - - - 5,699 22 5,721
Audio Interchange File Format (AIFF) - 1,207 1,936 - - 3,143
Archive audio - - 205 - - 205
WebM - - - 88 7 95
iPod Video - - 80 - - 80
H264 Archive video - - 11 - - 11
Totals 396 38,108 591,704 5,787 29 636,024
Web browsers 342,586
iTunes 293,438
Within the University 10,355
Elsewhere 625,669
HTTP 612,061
RTSP 23,963

Viewing figures by country

United States 313,614
United Kingdom 107,368
Netherlands 74,831
Germany 37,123
China 25,869
Spain 16,687
Australia 10,990
Canada 5,605
France 3,868
India 2,958
Europe 2,477
Russian Federation 2,459
Japan 1,831
Sweden 1,771
Italy 1,183
Ireland 1,144
Hong Kong 1,134
Taiwan 1,069
Brazil 1,051
Pakistan 1,011
New Zealand 905
Mexico 795
Romania 760
Korea, Republic of 680
Switzerland 609
Ukraine 585
Norway 584
Poland 580
Iran, Islamic Republic of 534
Singapore 460
Turkey 396
Israel 389
Saudi Arabia 355
Belgium 326
Argentina 299
Vietnam 266
Thailand 225
Denmark 223
Greece 219
South Africa 215
Portugal 209
Cyprus 207
Serbia 202
Indonesia 199
Austria 197
Iceland 194
Malaysia 193
Egypt 191
Philippines 173
Hungary 168
Finland 166
Bangladesh 153
Czech Republic 148
Chile 139
Morocco 132
Latvia 128
Bulgaria 113
Georgia 108
United Arab Emirates 108
Colombia 92
Sri Lanka 88
Trinidad and Tobago 85
Jordan 85
Algeria 80
Barbados 75
Malta 69
Brunei Darussalam 66
Belarus 65
Croatia 60
Bahrain 56
Mongolia 53
Nepal 51
Kuwait 46
Albania 46
Slovakia 41
Peru 40
Jersey 39
Iraq 37
Tunisia 34
Tanzania, United Republic of 33
Lithuania 32
Palestinian Territory 31
Nigeria 31
Sudan 30
Kazakstan 29
Luxembourg 29
Lebanon 29
Armenia 28
Cambodia 28
Slovenia 27
Macedonia 27
Estonia 26
Ecuador 25
Kyrgyzstan 24
Kenya 24
Oman 24
Qatar 23
Yemen 23
Panama 22
Syrian Arab Republic 21
Azerbaijan 19
Uzbekistan 18
Puerto Rico 18
Botswana 16
Ghana 16
Macau 16
Venezuela 15
Honduras 14
Bhutan 14
Isle of Man 14
Ethiopia 13
Mauritius 12
Guernsey 12
Dominican Republic 11
Somalia 11
Jamaica 10
Guatemala 10
Zimbabwe 10
Costa Rica 10
Bermuda 9
Lao People's Democratic Republic 9
Namibia 8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8
Uganda 8
Moldova, Republic of 8
Mozambique 7
Papua New Guinea 7
Senegal 6
Suriname 6
Mauritania 6
Netherlands Antilles 6
Zambia 6
Maldives 6
Bolivia 6
Guinea 6
Nicaragua 5
Reunion 5
Paraguay 5
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5
Cayman Islands 5
Tajikistan 4
Cuba 4
El Salvador 3
Angola 3
Asia/Pacific Region 3
Montenegro 3
Aruba 3
Bahamas 2
Cote D'Ivoire 2
Rwanda 2
Liberia 2
Swaziland 2
Uruguay 2
Afghanistan 2
Guadeloupe 2
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 1
Madagascar 1
Belize 1
Monaco 1
Gibraltar 1
French Polynesia 1
Myanmar 1
Cook Islands 1
Sierra Leone 1
Guam 1
Faroe Islands 1
Gabon 1
Guyana 1
Cameroon 1
Cape Verde 1
A1 (Anonymous Proxy) 16
A2 (Satellite Provider) 4
Unknown 7,204
Download viewing figures by country

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the GeoLite City database, available from http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite.