Faculty of Classics

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Collections: 6
Media items: 34
Total views: 102,320 (updated daily)
Total disk space used: 58.67 GB
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Total viewing history (views per day)     << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >>     Precision:  day | week | month
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Statistics by collection

NOTE: These figures exclude media items imported from other collections. A media item's statistics are only counted against it's primary collection on this page, so that if a media item belongs to more than one collection, it is only counted once (against it's primary collection). A collection containing only media items from other collections will be shown as having no media items, no views and using no disk space on this page.

Collection Total views ↓ Media items Disk space
Classics@Cambridge 75,495 21 44.43 GB
Triennial 2011 25,176 5 4.22 GB
Corbett lecture 1,258 2 2.14 GB
Agreeing to differ: consensus, culture and politics in the Roman empire (Prof. Emma Dench) 229 3 1.24 GB
Gray Lectures 2019 130 2 636.21 MB
Mycenae Archive Project 32 1 6.03 GB
Download collection summary

Viewing figures by format, quality and client

Format Quality
  Medium High 360p 720p Total
MP3 78 79,486 - - 79,564
Flash Video - 17,171 - - 17,171
iPod Video - 3,017 - - 3,017
MPEG-4 Video - - 1,783 291 2,074
RealAudio - 284 - - 284
WebM - - 157 19 176
Archive audio - 27 - - 27
H264 Archive video - 7 - - 7
Totals 78 99,992 1,940 310 102,320
Web browsers 98,830
iTunes 3,490
Within the University 6,020
Elsewhere 96,300
HTTP 102,251

Viewing figures by country

United Kingdom 29,397
China 23,333
United States 18,577
Australia 3,873
Canada 2,463
Germany 2,242
France 1,391
Greece 1,303
Italy 1,247
Russian Federation 1,226
Netherlands 1,156
Spain 823
Japan 804
Ireland 725
Belgium 542
India 499
Turkey 437
Denmark 432
Switzerland 421
Ukraine 414
Sweden 400
New Zealand 390
Romania 387
Thailand 384
Portugal 382
Europe 373
Brazil 354
Poland 317
Hong Kong 311
Norway 291
Korea, Republic of 231
Mexico 228
Austria 225
Taiwan 210
Guatemala 203
Iran, Islamic Republic of 200
United Arab Emirates 191
Indonesia 191
Argentina 169
Hungary 163
Singapore 153
Lebanon 150
Malaysia 135
Israel 133
Finland 128
Philippines 122
Czech Republic 104
South Africa 99
Colombia 98
Cyprus 84
Chile 79
Saudi Arabia 74
Vietnam 71
Iraq 65
Pakistan 64
Serbia 56
Slovenia 54
Croatia 49
Qatar 48
Kenya 48
Bulgaria 46
Gibraltar 45
Iceland 44
Estonia 42
Lithuania 39
Azerbaijan 39
Kuwait 35
Belarus 29
Egypt 28
Georgia 25
Peru 25
Jersey 24
Luxembourg 21
Tanzania, United Republic of 21
Armenia 20
Nigeria 20
Venezuela 18
Latvia 17
Malta 16
Kyrgyzstan 16
Morocco 16
Sri Lanka 15
Ethiopia 14
Sudan 14
Slovakia 13
Tunisia 12
Guernsey 12
Jordan 10
Trinidad and Tobago 9
Nepal 9
Ghana 9
Grenada 9
Bahrain 8
Cambodia 8
Reunion 7
Puerto Rico 7
Isle of Man 7
Moldova, Republic of 7
Senegal 6
Bahamas 6
Rwanda 6
Barbados 6
Kazakstan 6
Macedonia 6
Bangladesh 5
Zimbabwe 5
Mozambique 4
Palestinian Territory 4
Uruguay 4
Brunei Darussalam 4
Uzbekistan 3
Bermuda 3
Monaco 3
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
Albania 3
Uganda 3
Montenegro 3
Bhutan 3
Macau 3
Oman 3
Afghanistan 3
Andorra 3
Costa Rica 3
Ecuador 2
Dominican Republic 2
Syrian Arab Republic 2
Myanmar 2
Paraguay 2
Yemen 2
Honduras 2
Malawi 2
Belize 1
Lao People's Democratic Republic 1
San Marino 1
Mauritius 1
Antigua and Barbuda 1
Algeria 1
Virgin Islands, British 1
Virgin Islands, U.S. 1
Bolivia 1
Saint Lucia 1
Congo 1
A1 (Anonymous Proxy) 8
A2 (Satellite Provider) 5
Unknown 2,704
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This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the GeoLite City database, available from http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite.