Cambridge Admissions Office

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Collections: 8
Media items: 151
Total views: 681,726 (updated daily)
Total disk space used: 75.01 GB
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Total viewing history (views per day)     << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >>     Precision:  day | week | month
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Statistics by collection

NOTE: These figures exclude media items imported from other collections. A media item's statistics are only counted against it's primary collection on this page, so that if a media item belongs to more than one collection, it is only counted once (against it's primary collection). A collection containing only media items from other collections will be shown as having no media items, no views and using no disk space on this page.

Collection Total views ↓ Media items Disk space
Undergraduate Admissions (Archive) 286,603 22 24.32 GB
Music Awards 277,376 28 1.94 GB
Faces of the Prospectus 2010 67,076 31 3.11 GB
GEEMA 24,954 15 2.12 GB
60 Second Impressions - Summer Schools 15,099 41 5.46 GB
Undergraduate Admissions 10,592 3 1.76 GB
IGCC 2021 17 10 29.47 GB
Foster Care Fortnight Live Q&A 9 1 6.84 GB
Download collection summary

Viewing figures by format, quality and client

Format Quality
  Low Medium High 360p Total
Flash Video 238 635 344,119 - 344,992
MP3 890 649 277,977 - 279,516
iPod Video 69 307 30,318 - 30,694
MPEG-4 Video - - - 16,810 16,810
Windows Media Video 393 1,059 2,365 - 3,817
QuickTime 321 791 1,336 - 2,448
Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) 957 903 561 - 2,421
RealAudio 88 98 244 - 430
RealMedia 74 73 209 - 356
WebM - - - 231 231
Archive audio - - 10 - 10
H264 Archive video - - 1 - 1
Totals 3,030 4,515 657,140 17,041 681,726
Web browsers 667,482
iTunes 14,244
Within the University 18,905
Elsewhere 662,821
HTTP 680,439
RTSP 1,287

Viewing figures by country

United Kingdom 390,295
United States 59,617
Russian Federation 16,298
Germany 14,132
China 13,367
Canada 10,719
India 9,142
Australia 8,404
France 8,164
Singapore 7,664
Ukraine 7,658
Hong Kong 7,610
Ireland 6,264
Italy 5,633
Netherlands 5,520
Malaysia 5,050
Romania 4,963
Spain 4,759
Pakistan 4,094
Poland 4,051
Belgium 3,540
Greece 3,386
Sweden 2,764
Cyprus 2,550
Austria 2,517
Switzerland 2,358
Bulgaria 2,275
Brazil 2,139
New Zealand 2,015
Lithuania 1,844
United Arab Emirates 1,827
Portugal 1,824
Korea, Republic of 1,735
Hungary 1,667
Czech Republic 1,593
South Africa 1,502
Finland 1,482
Turkey 1,457
Europe 1,436
Japan 1,408
Norway 1,373
Indonesia 1,360
Thailand 1,328
Saudi Arabia 1,311
Denmark 1,197
Mexico 1,185
Philippines 1,147
Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,005
Latvia 1,004
Egypt 950
Slovakia 870
Belarus 853
Israel 852
Sri Lanka 848
Serbia 782
Estonia 720
Luxembourg 718
Vietnam 688
Slovenia 641
Colombia 639
Peru 617
Panama 617
Morocco 610
Bangladesh 590
Croatia 587
Isle of Man 507
Kazakstan 473
Argentina 468
Taiwan 454
Mauritius 450
Bahrain 445
Qatar 430
Nigeria 413
Oman 391
Kenya 372
Chile 366
Iraq 364
Ghana 340
Trinidad and Tobago 339
Jersey 339
Jordan 338
Jamaica 325
Kuwait 304
Costa Rica 218
Macedonia 195
Azerbaijan 194
Tunisia 192
Lebanon 192
Brunei Darussalam 189
Moldova, Republic of 172
Barbados 171
Malta 170
Ecuador 165
Iceland 159
Albania 155
Zimbabwe 155
Uganda 152
Guernsey 150
Armenia 146
Venezuela 141
Tanzania, United Republic of 135
Georgia 133
Puerto Rico 132
Palestinian Territory 131
Syrian Arab Republic 130
Algeria 129
Bosnia and Herzegovina 122
Nepal 112
Guatemala 110
Sudan 108
Faroe Islands 92
Cambodia 85
Asia/Pacific Region 84
Virgin Islands, British 84
Bermuda 83
Mongolia 74
Macau 72
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 70
Dominican Republic 64
Maldives 63
Uruguay 58
Gibraltar 54
Paraguay 52
Zambia 52
Seychelles 52
Yemen 48
Cayman Islands 44
Uzbekistan 42
Fiji 41
Monaco 40
Myanmar 40
Saint Kitts and Nevis 40
Cameroon 40
El Salvador 37
Senegal 37
Angola 36
Namibia 35
Botswana 35
Montenegro 34
Haiti 33
Virgin Islands, U.S. 30
Bahamas 29
Ethiopia 28
Papua New Guinea 27
Saint Lucia 27
Lao People's Democratic Republic 25
Afghanistan 25
Mozambique 24
Kyrgyzstan 23
Bolivia 23
Nicaragua 21
Netherlands Antilles 21
Antigua and Barbuda 18
Honduras 18
New Caledonia 17
Grenada 16
Cote D'Ivoire 15
Dominica 15
Malawi 15
Togo 12
Guyana 12
Liechtenstein 11
Belize 11
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 11
Djibouti 11
Cuba 11
Rwanda 10
Guam 10
Gambia 10
Martinique 10
Swaziland 9
Solomon Islands 8
Reunion 7
Lesotho 7
Tajikistan 6
San Marino 6
Mauritania 6
Anguilla 6
Bhutan 5
Mali 5
Suriname 4
Aland Islands 4
Niger 4
Guadeloupe 4
Benin 4
Sierra Leone 3
Aruba 3
Madagascar 2
Turkmenistan 2
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 2
Northern Mariana Islands 2
Burkina Faso 2
Cape Verde 2
Vanuatu 1
Mayotte 1
Cook Islands 1
Turks and Caicos Islands 1
A1 (Anonymous Proxy) 124
A2 (Satellite Provider) 105
Unknown 10,742
Download viewing figures by country

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the GeoLite City database, available from