Open Cambridge

Open Cambridge's image
Created: 2009-09-24 10:49
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Description: (No description)

Media items

This collection contains 5 media items.


Media items

Dr Frank Salmon clip 1


Dr Frank Salmon talks about the dates that appear on the 800th anniversary street banners as part of a talk at the 2009 Festival of Ideas.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009

Dr Frank Salmon clip 2


Dr Frank Salmon talks about the architecture of King's College Chapel as part of a talk at the 2009 Festival of Ideas.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009

Honor Ridout clip 1


Find out about the beginnings of the University through Honor Ridout's talk on local history. This was given as part of Open Cambridge 2009.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009

Honor Ridout clip 2


Find out how the town and gown feuds began with Honor Ridout.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009

Honor Ridout clip 3


Honor Ridout explains why Cambridge station is so far out of the city centre.

Collection: Open Cambridge

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 24 Sep 2009