Tarner Lecture Series 2019

Tarner Lecture Series 2019 's image
Created: 2019-10-30 10:55
Institution: Trinity College
Description: Solving Problems in the Philosophy of Science by using (some simple ideas about) Probability by Professor Elliott Sober, University of Wisconsin.

Media items

This collection contains 3 media items.


Media items

Lecture 1: The problem of induction


Solving Problems in the Philosophy of Science by using (some simple ideas about) Probability.

Collection: Tarner Lecture Series 2019

Institution: Trinity College

Created: Wed 30 Oct 2019

Lecture 2: Ockham's Razor


Solving Problems in the Philosophy of Science by using (some simple ideas about) Probability.

Collection: Tarner Lecture Series 2019

Institution: Trinity College

Created: Thu 31 Oct 2019

Lecture 4: Values in Science


Solving Problems in the Philosophy of Science by using (some simple ideas about) Probability.

Collection: Tarner Lecture Series 2019

Institution: Trinity College

Created: Thu 7 Nov 2019