Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

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Created: 2016-01-25 12:47
Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Description: Quantum Integrability is a rich and highly cross-disciplinary subject, with fascinating mathematical structures and a wide spectrum of physical applications. It is the key tool for understanding critical properties of numerous quantum systems at and out of equilibrium, such as spin chains or the delta-function Bose gas (also known as the quantum non-linear Schrödinger equation). Long-standing problems such as the scaling limit of the Ising model in a magnetic field have been solved thanks to recent developments of integrable techniques.

These developments in theoretical physics have been paralleled by advances in several areas of pure and applied mathematics, enhancing interactions among researchers working on combinatorics, probability theory, infinite dimensional Lie algebras, knots and braids, soliton systems, random matrices, non-linear differential equations and computational science.

A new arena for quantum integrable systems has recently arisen as a result of the ability to realize for the first time, stable and controllable isolated quantum systems (by means of cold atom experimental set-ups). This has led to an immense growth of this research area and has given access to a largely unexplored territory of out-equilibrium quantum dynamics.

These exciting advances call for the development of new mathematical techniques to meet the challenge of describing out-of-equilibrium phenomena in strongly interacting lowdimensional quantum systems.

In gathering together a core group of outstanding scientists, we aim to make substantial progress on a series of key open problems. Topics will include

Quantum Quenches
Boundary Conformal Field Theory
Driven Systems
Local and non-local conserved charges
Boltzmann equation and transport phenomena
Entanglement measures
Linear and non-linear response
Non-linear hydrodynamics
Thermalization and Equilibration in Quantum Systems
Generalized Gibbs Ensemble
Dynamics of quantum integrable systems
Open quantum systems
Techniques in atomics condensate


In the first week of the programme there will be a conference, that will gather together leading physicists and mathematicians in the area of Quantum Integrability. In each of the following weeks there will be two introductory 60 minute lectures by world-leading experts. The topics of the lectures will be chosen to mesh with Focus Week Activities planned to involve the participants on key themes of the programme. During the Focus Weeks there will also be a certain number of round table discussions that will help in exploiting new scientific directions and shaping the future research on this emerging field.

Media items

This collection contains 33 media items.

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Media items

Anomalous hydrodynamics in two dimensions


Abanov, A (Stony Brook University)
Wednesday 3rd February 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Thu 18 Feb 2016

Dynamical phase transitions and statistics of excitations


Silva, A (SISSA, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
Thursday 14th January 2016 - 10:00 to 11:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Dynamics and relaxation in quantum integrable systems


Caux, JS (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Tuesday 12th January 2016 - 14:00 to 15:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Expansion potentials for exact far-from-equilibrium spreading of energy in the XXZ model


Moore, J (University of California, Berkeley)
Monday 11th January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Fidelities in the spin-boson model


Lukyanov, S (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
Wednesday 27th January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Heisenberg spin chains by separation of variables: recent advances


Terras, V [Université Paris-Sud 11, CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)]
Thursday 14th January 2016 - 15:00 to 16:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Wed 27 Jan 2016

Inhomogeneous quenches and arctic curves in fermionic systems


Viti, J (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden)
Wednesday 13th January 2016 - 16:30 to 17:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Initial states in integrable quantum field theory quenches from an integral equation hierarchy


Takacs, G (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Friday 15th January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Wed 27 Jan 2016

Integrability and supersymmetry in quantum optics


Gritsev, V (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
Tuesday 12th January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Memory-preserving equilibration after a quantum quench in a 1d critical model


Sotiriadis, S (SISSA, Università degli Studi Roma Tre)
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 - 16:00 to 17:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Thu 18 Feb 2016

New perspectives on the Riemann Hypothesis


LeClair, A (Cornell University)
Wednesday 20th January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Non-Equilibrium Transport at Quantum Critical Points


Bhaseen, J (King's College London)
Monday 25th January 2016 - 14:00 to 15:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Out of equilibrium dynamics and a unifying view on many-body localisation


Eisert, J (Freie Universität Berlin)
Friday 15th January 2016 - 15:00 to 16:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Wed 27 Jan 2016

Quantisation of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation


Sklyanin, E (University of York)
Thursday 14th January 2016 - 16:30 to 17:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Quantum integrability in the Rabi model


Batchelor, M (Chongqing University, Australian National University)
Friday 22nd January 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Tue 9 Feb 2016

Quantum quenches in integrable lattice systems


Rigol, M (Pennsylvania State University)
Tuesday 2nd February 2016 - 11:30 to 12:30

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Thu 25 Feb 2016

Quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon model: a semiclassical approach


Kormos, M (Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
Monday 11th January 2016 - 10:00 to 11:00

Collection: Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Integrable Models in and out of Equilibrium

Institution: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Created: Wed 27 Jan 2016

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