HYDRALAB IV Large Wave Flume Experiment 'Wave Dissipation by Salt Marshes under Extreme Water Levels and Waves'

HYDRALAB IV Large Wave Flume Experiment 'Wave Dissipation by Salt Marshes under Extreme Water Levels and Waves''s image
Created: 2015-02-06 18:24
Institution: Department of Geography
Description: Selected video footage from Hydralab IV wave flume experiment to investigate wave dissipation over salt marshes during storm surges. The experiment is described in:
and the publication:


Media items

This collection contains 1 media item.


Media items

Salt Marsh Assembly and Storm Waves


Salt Marsh Assembly in Large Wave Flume and Waves over Marsh in Flume

Collection: HYDRALAB IV Large Wave Flume Experiment 'Wave Dissipation by Salt Marshes under Extreme Water Levels and Waves'

Institution: Department of Geography

Created: Tue 10 Feb 2015