Evolution: Champions and Challengers

Evolution: Champions and Challengers's image
Created: 2012-03-28 15:20
Institution: St John's College
Description: Recordings of two talks hosted by the Samuel Butler Project at St John's College Library, on Saturday 17th March 2012, as part of the University of Cambridge Science Festival.


Media items

This collection contains 2 media items.


Media items

Butler among the machines: Evolutionary literature and science in Europe, 1859-1902


A talk by Dr Elinor Shaffer, given at the Butler Day at St John's College on Saturday 17th March 2012.

Collection: Evolution: Champions and Challengers

Institution: St John's College

Created: Wed 28 Mar 2012

Evolution, philosophy and well-being: A beginners' guide


A talk by Dr Ben Irvine, given at the Butler Day at St John's College on Saturday 17th March 2012.

Collection: Evolution: Champions and Challengers

Institution: St John's College

Created: Tue 26 Feb 2013