OSCAR4 Launch

OSCAR4 Launch's image
Created: 2011-04-14 10:00
Institution: Department of Chemistry
Description: Presentations from the launch event for OSCAR4, held at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics on Wednesday April 13th 2011

Media items

This collection contains 6 media items.


Media items

OSCAR4 Introduction


An introduction to the OSCAR4 launch and workshop, plus some background history of the project, from Peter Murray-Rust.

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Fri 15 Apr 2011

OSCAR4 Architecture & API


Introductory presentation by Sam Adams describing the OSCAR4 architecture and API

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Thu 14 Apr 2011

ChemicalTagger: Building Text-Mining Applications with OSCAR


Lezan Hawizy's presentation on using ChemicalTagger and OSCAR4 for chemistry text-mining

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Fri 15 Apr 2011

Named Entity Resolution in OSCAR


Daniel Lowe's OPSIN presentation for the OSCAR4 launch

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Fri 15 Apr 2011

OSCAR Tagging of Atmospheric Science Papers


Hannah Barjat's presentation on applying OSCAR to atmospheric science

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Fri 15 Apr 2011

U-Compare, OSCAR and the number 42


Presentation from BalaKrishna Kolluru on incorporating OSCAR4 into U-compare workflows

Collection: OSCAR4 Launch

Institution: Department of Chemistry

Created: Fri 15 Apr 2011