Loomis: Himalayan Sherpa Collection: Ang Rita 1

Duration: 18 mins 19 secs
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Loomis: Himalayan Sherpa Collection: Ang Rita 1's image
Description: Ang Rita describes in Sherpa difference aspects of his life as a yak herder and yak herding culture. Tape includes native names for yak, birth and death ceremonies; castration practices; differences between Sherpa and Tibetan customs regarding yaks; herding yaks as a child; herding calls; interactions with wolves; grazing practices; concerns about decline of yak herding and the environmental consequences; the future of yak herding; famous yak herders; the effects of horses and zopkios; traditions that are on verge of being lost; what the Khumbu Valley was like when Ang Rita was a child.
Created: 2012-05-18 12:57
Collection: World Oral Literature Project Collections
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: World Oral Literature Project
Keywords: sherpa; everest; trekking; yak; herding;
Actor:  Ang Rita
Director:  Molly Loomis
Abstract: These recordings were made on a trek in the spring of 2011 up to Mount Everest Base Camp. The recordings span a wide variety of topics from making and drinking chang to the work of Mount Everest's 'ice fall doctors'.
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MP3 44100 Hz 125.04 kbits/sec 16.78 MB Listen Download
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