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Katey Blumenthal: The Folk Music of Lo Monthang: Offering Songs, Festive Songs, Processional Songs mGar-gLu, Khro-Glu,...


A song about Lo Monthang that was set to a new melody 15 years ago, when the walls to Lo Monthang were being rebuilt.

Collection: World Oral Literature Project Collections

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 4 Apr 2013

Katey Blumenthal: The Folk Music of Lo Monthang: Offering Songs, Festive Songs, Processional Songs mGar-gLu, Khro-Glu,...


This song is for celebrations of a new house and blesses a house for weddings.

Collection: World Oral Literature Project Collections

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Thu 4 Apr 2013

Katey Blumenthal: The Folk Music of Lo Monthang: Offering Songs, Festive Songs, Processional Songs mGar-gLu, Khro-Glu,...


Nangsa wanted to be a nun but the head of the government [Pen Drawa Tsan dup], a King in Uzang, forced her to marry him. She came back as an incarnation to Gyangtse, her birth...

Collection: World Oral Literature Project Collections

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Fri 5 Apr 2013

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