Rethinking Responsibility

Duration: 49 mins 14 secs
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Description: A talk given by Monima Chadha at the Moral Sciences Club on 12 November 2024
Created: 2024-11-18 10:50
Collection: Moral Sciences Club
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Faculty of Philosophy
Language: eng (English)
Abstract: If Reductionism about personal identity is true, "no one ever deserves to be punished for anything they did." I call this the Responsible Agency Challenge. This paper addresses the question: how should we respond to this Challenge? My response is inspired by the famous fifth century Buddhist Abhidharma philosopher, Vasubandhu and the historical roots of the denial of personal identity in Buddhist philosophy, which leads to a new impersonalist account of agency and responsibility. This impersonalism opens up the space for a far- reaching and comprehensive revision of our ordinary responsibility practices and reactive attitudes.
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