Data Diversity Podcast #1 - Danny van der Haven

Duration: 46 mins 29 secs
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Description: In the Data Diversity Podcast, the Research Data Team from the Office of Scholarly Communication invites researchers to have a conversation about the data they work with to highlight the different data journeys that researchers may have. The concept 'Data Diversity' is based on the idea that researchers across the different fields of study work with different forms of data, all requiring different care, management, ethics, sensitives, no matter how similar the organisational terms denoting their work make it out to be.
Created: 2023-11-13 09:53
Collection: Office of Scholarly Communication
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Lutfi Bin Othman
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: Research Data; Data Diversity;
Abstract: In this episode, we speak to PhD student and Cambridge Data Champion Danny van der Haven. As is the theme of the podcast, we spoke to Danny about his relationship with data and learned from his experiences as a researcher. The conversation also touched on the differences between lab research and working with human participants, his views on objectivity in scientific research, and how unexpected findings can shed light on datasets that were previously insignificant. We also learn about Danny’s current PhD research studying the properties of pharmaceutical powders to enhance the production of medication tablets.   
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