Context Specific Invasion and Establishment of SARS-CoV-2 Variants in the UK

Available formats

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MPEG-4 Video (720p quality for download)   -   download
File size: 525.85 MB
Width: 1280, Height: 720
Duration: 27 mins 44 secs
Frame rate: 25.0 fps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 2.52 Mbits/sec
MPEG-4 Video (360p quality for download)   -   download
File size: 169.61 MB
Width: 640, Height: 360
Duration: 27 mins 44 secs
Frame rate: 25.0 fps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 835.0 kbits/sec
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WebM (720p quality for download)   -   download
File size: 199.27 MB
Width: 1280, Height: 720
Duration: 27 mins 45 secs
Frame rate: 25.0 fps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 980.43 kbits/sec
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WebM (360p quality for download)   -   download
File size: 63.50 MB
Width: 640, Height: 360
Duration: 27 mins 45 secs
Frame rate: 25.0 fps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 312.41 kbits/sec
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iPod Video (high quality for download)   -   download
File size: 97.70 MB
Width: 480, Height: 270
Duration: 27 mins 44 secs
Frame rate: 25.0 fps, Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 480.99 kbits/sec
MP3 (high quality for download)   -   download
File size: 50.79 MB
Duration: 27 mins 46 secs
Sample rate: 44100 Hz
Average bitrate: 249.75 kbits/sec