Chos dbyang rdo rje: Zho 'ong dbyis Village Collection, Celebratory Song 1

Duration: 7 mins 28 secs
Image inherited from collection
Description: This song encourages people to sing by saying, “Look how big and gorgeous today’s gathering is. Look how many people are here and how happy they are. Today is the right time to sing.” This song is always sung at village gatherings when people are not brave enough to sing. The singer stands in the centre of the gathering and turns from side to side to face the room full of guests as they sing.
Created: 2012-03-27 10:16
Collection: World Oral Literature Project Collections
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: World Oral Literature Project
Language: tib (Tibetan)
Keywords: Tibet; Zho 'ong dbyis; Reb gong; A mdo;
Director:  Chos dbyang rdo rje
Actor:  Lha mo mtsho
Abstract: This collection contains three mani songs, three paeans, five love songs, and nine celebratory songs recorded by Chos dbyang rdo rje in the Tibetan village of Zho ’ong dbyis, Zho ’ong dbyis Township, Reb gong County, Rma lho Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon Province, PR China.
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MP3 44100 Hz 125.15 kbits/sec 6.84 MB Listen Download
MP3 16000 Hz 31.29 kbits/sec 1.71 MB Listen Download
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