Exploring trench warfare using multimedia resources on the interactive whiteboard

Duration: 2 mins 16 secs
Exploring trench warfare using multimedia resources on the interactive whiteboard's image
Description: This compilation of clips from two secondary history lessons illustrates how a class explored the experience of trench warfare through interacting with a wide range of multimedia resources.
Created: 2013-07-26 17:58
Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Sara Hennessy
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: history; interactive whiteboard; multimedia; underlining; dialogue; secondary school;
Abstract: This compilation of video clips from two history lessons with a class of boys aged 12-13 illustrates how together they explored over time the open-ended question: “Can we imagine the experience of trench warfare?” IWB activities were interspersed with pair and class discussions. The teacher, Lloyd, employed a very wide range of multimedia resources, beginning with whole class interpretation of an army doctor’s 1914 diary text, revealed in stages using the IWB's spotlight tool. One boy used the IWB underlining tool to identify key phrases in the text and explained his reasoning to the class. Students then worked in pairs to co-construct a video storyboard on mini wipe-clean whiteboards; the compilation shows one pair explaining theirs at the IWB and the class then discussing the boys’ ideas.

Other IWB resources during the lesson sequence (but not depicted) included a poem, a YouTube video related to the poem, separate audio and video tracks of a trench warfare film on DVD, a textbook trench diagram and wartime photographs; these conjured up different experiences and perspectives of life in the trenches.

This footage was collected during the IWBs and Dialogic Teaching research study funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ref. RES-063-27-0081) as part of a personal Research Fellowship carried out by Sara Hennessy during 2007-10.
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