University Information Services


This institution has 78 collections.

Showing results 1-20 of 78    < Prev    1 2 3 4    Next >

Collection search results

2017 Staff Christmas Carol

   2 media items
   22 total views

(No description)

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Thu 14 Dec 2017

ACN Printer Migration

   4 media items
   55 total views

Instructional videos for ACN Migration

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Thu 23 Jan 2020

A test collection

   6 media items
   46 total views

A test collection

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Mon 8 Dec 2014

Cambridge Casual Worker System (CCWS) Videos for Workers

   12 media items
   640 total views

Worker training videos for the Cambridge Casual Worker System.

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Tue 18 Oct 2022

Cambridge Casual Worker System (CCWS) Webinars for Administrators

   2 media items
   13 total views

CCWS Webinars for Administrators

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Mon 3 Jul 2023

Cambridge University User Experience

   1 media item
   37 total views

This collection is for talks sponsored by the University User Needs Committee and organised with a view to advancing the user experience of University services.

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Tue 8 Dec 2015

CamSIS Improvement Programme

   4 media items
   319 total views

The CamSIS Improvement Programme aims to improve the student administration services provided to students and staff around the Collegiate University by delivering a series of technical upgrades to CamSIS and reviewing many of the business processes supported by the system.

The programme is...

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Wed 30 Nov 2016

CamSIS Improvement Programme Training

   1 media item
   9 total views

Area for UAT test videos created by Lynn Foot

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Wed 8 Nov 2017

CamSIS Training and Support

   20 media items
   2,464 total views

Placeholder for CamSIS support materials

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Fri 3 Mar 2017

Career Development: The Benefits of Mentoring

   7 media items
   257 total views

Benefits of being involed in a Mentoring Scheme run by UIS

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Tue 10 Apr 2018

Cloud group metings

   2 media items
   14 total views

A place to share videos of interest to wider users of Cloud services.

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Tue 24 Jan 2023

Communities of Practice

   4 media items
   177 total views

Recordings relating to University Information Services, Communities of Practice activities

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Fri 20 Sep 2019

Cyber Security

   14 media items
   12,822 total views

A collection of online training videos for staff and students.

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Wed 10 May 2017

Cyber Security

   7 media items
   26 total views

Cyber security related presenations

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Mon 11 Jun 2018


   6 media items
   105 total views

A Collection of work in progress and demo videos

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Fri 14 Jul 2017

Digital Accessibility

   4 media items
   16 total views

Training and resources related to digital accessibility, including from third parties with permission

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Fri 27 Sep 2019


   8 media items
   327 total views

Educational Guides for Institutions enrolled in DS-Print Managed Services

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Fri 20 Oct 2017


   16 media items
   3,332 total views

Drupal tutorials

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Mon 2 Sep 2019

DS-Print - University Managed Print Service

   2 media items
   2,686 total views

Media used to support the University managed print service (DS-Print). The managed print service is provided and supported by University Information Services. DS-Print is available to all university institutions by service subscription.

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Thu 5 Jan 2017

egb10 - tests

   1 media item
   2 total views

Testing SMS upload and streaming options

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Tue 17 Mar 2015

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