Department of Politics and International Studies


This institution has 18 collections.


Collection search results

Bennett Institute Videos

   8 media items
   46 total views

Films from the Bennett Institute for Public Policy

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 1 Jul 2019

Butler Prize

   0 media items
   0 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Wed 3 Oct 2018

Cambridge International Studies Association (CISA)

   7 media items
   7,564 total views

CISA is an officially registered society at the University of Cambridge. It was founded in 2000 to foster research into International Relations in the University and beyond. It is traditionally run by graduate students at the University's Centre of International Studies.

Throughout the year,...

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Wed 16 Feb 2011

Cambridge Review of International Affairs

   10 media items
   5,415 total views

The Cambridge Review of International Affairs publishes excellent and innovative scholarship on international affairs, particularly in the fields of international relations, international law and international political economy. It is committed to diversity of approach and method and encourages the...

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Wed 6 Jan 2010

Centre for Geopolitics

   40 media items
   1,500 total views

Videos from the Centre for Geopolitics online events

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 9 Apr 2020

Centre of Governance and Human Rights

   59 media items
   43,841 total views

The Centre of Governance and Human Rights draws together experts, practitioners and policymakers from Cambridge University and far beyond to think critically and innovatively about pressing governance and human rights issues throughout the world. CGHR organises a range of research seminars and...

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 5 Nov 2009

CGHR Events

   8 media items
   40 total views

An archive of CGHR's events

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 23 Feb 2021

Department of POLIS Lectures

   8 media items
   11,486 total views

Lectures from the Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 3 Mar 2015

European Professional Series

   1 media item
   40 total views

Media from the European Professional Series, a series of seminars organised by the European Centre @ POLIS to facilitate interaction and debate between European Affairs academic and professional circles based in and outside Cambridge.

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 12 Mar 2015

Gamble and Hill

   2 media items
   237 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 21 Dec 2017


   9 media items
   1,847 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 24 Oct 2016

POLIS Instagram

   7 media items
   1,158 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 22 Aug 2017

POLIS Owl Training

   0 media items
   0 total views

Owl Training

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Mon 26 Sep 2022

POLIS videos

   10 media items
   1,000 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 15 Mar 2018

RA Butler Prize

   5 media items
   523 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 9 Oct 2018

Summer Masterclasses 2017

   2 media items
   140 total views

Summer Masterclasses 2017 - Lectures

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 12 Sep 2017


   14 media items
   4,109 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Tue 27 Jun 2017

Website videos undergrads

   12 media items
   476 total views

(No description)

Institution: Department of Politics and International Studies

Created: Thu 21 Sep 2017