Clare Hall


This institution has 10 collections.


Collection search results


   11 media items
   2,525 total views

CLARE HALL - ASHBY LECTURE 2011 - LESSONS FROM AMERICA - "The impact of Universities on their Region and the World"

Professor : Andrew Hamilton FRS
Vice-Chancellor, University Of Oxford

Wednesday: 25th May 2011

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Wed 22 Jun 2011

Clare Hall

   7 media items
   40 total views

Clare Hall Tutorial Videos

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Fri 21 Aug 2020

Clare Hall Colloquium

   56 media items
   45,107 total views

The Clare Hall Colloquium offers an opportunity to test out ideas and arguments before an audience which is smart and interested, but has no specialist knowledge of the topic.

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Tue 30 Oct 2012

Clare Hall FSI Podcasts

   2 media items
   174 total views

Clare Hall Fellow-Student Interaction Programme talks

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 6 Dec 2012

Clare Hall Literary Talks

   4 media items
   1,870 total views

Clare Hall Literary Talks aim to introduce us to some of the most interesting contemporary British writers

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Mon 6 Jan 2014

Clare Hall – Tanner Lectures

   36 media items
   13,694 total views

The purpose of the T.anner lectures is to advance and reflect upon the scholarly and scientific learning related to human values

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 6 Nov 2008

Friends of Clare Hall Art Society

   1 media item
   15 total views

(No description)

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 21 Jun 2018

King Lectures

   3 media items
   164 total views

Clare Hall has established a new annual lecture series, the King Lectures in Biomedical Sciences. This lecture series is made possible through a generous gift from Professor Donald West King. Donald King is a pathologist and has held faculty positions in Pathology at Yale, University of Colorado,...

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Fri 20 May 2016

Liberation Literature Lecture Series

   2 media items
   101 total views

The annual Liberation Literature Lecture series brings together high-profile British and international scholars of literature and historical studies.

The series is organised by Clare Hall and the Cambridge University Library and has been made possible thanks to a generous donation from Sir...

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Thu 7 Dec 2017

'Visual Constructions of South Asia' seminar series (Michaelmas 2014)

   2 media items
   109 total views

The series aims to introduce Cambridge under-/postgraduate students, academic staff, researchers at different career stages, and visiting scholars to the ways in which visual research methods support the development of new perspectives on South Asian history and culture.
This seminar series is...

Institution: Clare Hall

Created: Sat 8 Nov 2014