The credit crunch: history, hormones and trust

22 mins 36 secs,  20.69 MB,  MP3  44100 Hz,  125.0 kbits/sec
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The credit crunch: history, hormones and trust's image
Description: Cambridge University's leading thinkers delve beyond the headlines to show us what history, anthropology and even hormones can teach us about the credit crunch
Created: 2009-01-17 15:19
Collection: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Lucy Capewell
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: credit crunch; interdisciplinary;
Abstract: For 800 years, great minds at Cambridge University have pioneered revolutionary and controversial ideas, shaping our understanding of the world around us. Now, as the credit crunch grips the world, Cambridge academics have been trying to understand the reasons behind it - and they're reaching some surprising conclusions about history, anthropology and even hormones.

Professor Martin Daunton, one of the country's most influential economic historians, argues that the crude use of historical analogies by politicians acts to cloud our understanding of the credit crunch. Dr John Coates, Wall St Trader-turned-Cambridge neuroscientist, introduces his groundbreaking research into how hormones affect the millions of decision-makers who control the global financial system. And anthropologist Professor Alan Macfarlane uses his singular knowledge of societies around the world to demonstrate the breakdown in trust which is threatening the world's financial stability - and the seismic changes in human social relations which are accompanying the credit crunch.
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MP3 * 44100 Hz 125.0 kbits/sec 20.69 MB Listen Download
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