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Media items

2008, Personal Histories of the Theoretical Archaeology Group


An oral history of TAG through 31 years is presented by the two original founders of TAG, Professor Colin Renfrew, Cambridge, and Professor Andrew Fleming, University of Wales,...

Collection: Personal-Histories Project

Institution: Department of Archaeology

Created: Mon 15 Nov 2010

30 Years as Chancellor


In the Senate House the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard, paid tribute to Prince Philip and reflected on the changes in the University since he was installed as...

Collection: Featured content

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Fri 8 Aug 2008

A discussion of Firms & Growth with Professor Pete Klenow


Oliver Exton hosts a discussion of Firms & Growth with Professor Pete Klenow

Collection: Sir Richard Stone Annual Lectures

Institution: Faculty of Economics

Created: Wed 19 Jun 2019

An interview with George Benjamin


In this fascinating interview filmed at the Faculty of Music in March 2013, composer George Benjamin talks about some of the ideas behind his recent opera, Written on Skin, He is...

Collection: Faculty of Music - Interviews

Institution: Faculty of Music

Created: Wed 1 May 2013

Avoiding the ‘Boy’s Own Book of Biotechnology’: Advice on developing effective business models in the Life Sciences...


The Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL) talked to Dr Andy Richards, serial biotechnology entrepreneur and business angel, about determining and defining effective business...

Collection: Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning - Entrepreneurs & Experts Podcast Series

Institution: The Entrepreneurship Centre

Created: Wed 25 Jul 2012

Bishop Richard Chartres: Leadership


Bishop of London Richard Chartres delivering the annual leadership lecture at Ridley Hall. After a brief overview of the changing face of leadership in the Church of England over...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 12 May 2011

Climate Histories - 13 January 2016 - Paris 2015 Field-Report



Richard Fraser (Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, Cambridge)
Jonathan Wooley (Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge)

Collection: Climate Histories Seminar

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 25 Jan 2016

Climate Histories - 14 January 2015 - Tourism in the Taiga


Tourism in the Taiga: Eco-Museums, Ethnic Minorities and the Politics of Cultural Heritage .

Richard Fraser (Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge)

Collection: Climate Histories Seminar

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 26 Jan 2015

Climate Histories - 7 October 2015 - The Road to Paris and Beyond


Mark Aldenderfer (University of California)
Richard Fraser (Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit, Univerity of Cambridge)

Collection: Climate Histories Seminar

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Thu 15 Oct 2015

Conference Soundbites: Changing the Humanities / the Humanities Changing


Homi Bhabha, Richard Sennett, Sarah Kay and Onora O'Neill reflect on the theme of the conference (July 2009).

Collection: Changing the Humanities

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Thu 3 Nov 2011

Cybernetics and Society - 25 April 2017 - The Disunity of Cybernetics and the Digital


Professor Ronald Kline, STS (Cornell)
Discussant: Dr Richard Staley (HPS, Cambridge)


This seminar will focus on two works in progress: "Why the Disunity of...

Collection: Cybernetics and Society

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Tue 2 May 2017

Diversity and interdependence: The Vice-Chancellor on UK Higher Education


Cambridge occupies a distinctive and distinguished place among universities, but our future health and that of UK higher education as a whole are interdependent. Between us, we...

Collection: Featured content

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 1 Oct 2009

Diversity and interdependence: The Vice-Chancellor on UK Higher Education


In her annual 1st October address, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Alison Richard called on the University to continue championing the enduring value of academic excellence, while...

Collection: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications

Created: Thu 1 Oct 2009

Dr Richard Haass - 21 April 2015 - World Order: Definition and Description


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Dr Richard Haass - 21 April 2015 - World Order: Definition and Description - Q & A Session


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Dr Richard Haass - 22 April 2015 - The Decline of World Order: Causes and Explanations


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Dr Richard Haass - 22 April 2015 - The Decline of World Order: Causes and Explanations - Q & A Session


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Dr Richard Haass - 23 April 2015 - World Order: What Can be Done?


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Dr Richard Haass - 23 April 2015 - World Order: What Can be Done? - Q & A Session


Richard Haass (American Diplomat), 2015 Humanitas Visiting Professor in Statecraft and Diplomacy, will give a series of three public lectures entitled 'World Order: Its Past,...

Collection: Humanitas

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Mon 11 May 2015

Edmund de Waal's 'A Local History' for the University of Cambridge


Edmund de Waal on his installation 'A Local History' for the Alison Richard Building, University of Cambridge.

Collection: CRASSH

Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Created: Tue 30 Apr 2013

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