Centre of South Asian Studies

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Collections: 3
Media items: 628
Total views: 58,425 (updated daily)
Total disk space used: 183.80 GB
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Total viewing history (views per day)     << 1 wk | 1 mon | 3 mon | 1 yr | all >>     Precision:  day | week | month
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Statistics by collection

NOTE: These figures exclude media items imported from other collections. A media item's statistics are only counted against it's primary collection on this page, so that if a media item belongs to more than one collection, it is only counted once (against it's primary collection). A collection containing only media items from other collections will be shown as having no media items, no views and using no disk space on this page.

Collection Total views ↓ Media items Disk space
Centre of South Asian Studies: oral history collection 29,697 545 138.39 GB
Centre of South Asian Studies: Seminars 28,712 81 38.17 GB
CSAS Films 8 2 7.23 GB
Download collection summary

Viewing figures by format, quality and client

Format Quality
  Low Medium High 360p 720p Total
MP3 2,271 206 55,075 - - 57,552
Archive audio - - 601 - - 601
MPEG-4 Video - - - 18 233 251
WebM - - - 9 5 14
iPod Video - - 6 - - 6
H264 Archive video - - 1 - - 1
Totals 2,271 206 55,683 27 238 58,425
Web browsers 51,086
iTunes 7,339
Within the University 2,437
Elsewhere 55,988
HTTP 58,425

Viewing figures by country

United States 23,470
United Kingdom 8,003
India 5,317
Europe 3,546
Germany 2,088
Netherlands 1,807
Brazil 1,478
Canada 1,108
Australia 1,070
Russian Federation 924
Japan 679
France 631
Spain 625
Pakistan 425
Hong Kong 388
Indonesia 387
China 374
Switzerland 344
Ukraine 318
Nepal 265
Romania 133
Saudi Arabia 127
Sweden 119
Denmark 117
Poland 112
Ireland 112
Kyrgyzstan 109
Greece 109
Singapore 106
Belgium 99
Bulgaria 96
United Arab Emirates 80
Sri Lanka 75
New Zealand 75
Iran, Islamic Republic of 73
Italy 73
Thailand 67
Malaysia 65
Norway 43
Austria 42
Taiwan 41
Lithuania 31
Philippines 30
Bangladesh 29
Kazakstan 27
Israel 24
Vietnam 23
Ethiopia 22
Turkey 21
Estonia 19
Portugal 18
Georgia 17
Korea, Republic of 16
Hungary 14
Colombia 13
Luxembourg 12
Argentina 10
Finland 10
Qatar 9
South Africa 9
Kenya 8
Bahrain 6
Mongolia 6
Oman 6
Jordan 6
Cameroon 5
Kuwait 4
Mauritius 4
Serbia 4
Afghanistan 4
Cambodia 4
Czech Republic 3
Jersey 3
Haiti 3
Croatia 3
Chile 2
Lao People's Democratic Republic 2
Jamaica 2
Cyprus 2
Syrian Arab Republic 2
Peru 2
Honduras 2
Mexico 2
Nigeria 2
Iceland 2
Uzbekistan 1
Rwanda 1
Belarus 1
Trinidad and Tobago 1
Slovakia 1
Barbados 1
Dominican Republic 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Morocco 1
Albania 1
Azerbaijan 1
Guatemala 1
Iraq 1
Brunei Darussalam 1
Zambia 1
Bolivia 1
Puerto Rico 1
Cayman Islands 1
Latvia 1
Papua New Guinea 1
Somalia 1
Macau 1
Panama 1
A1 (Anonymous Proxy) 2
A2 (Satellite Provider) 3
Unknown 2,834
Download viewing figures by country

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.
Specifically these viewing figures by country were created using the GeoLite City database, available from http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geolite.