The Philosophy of Wine - from Science to Subjectivity

The Philosophy of Wine - from Science to Subjectivity's image
Created: 2009-10-26 11:36
Institution: Faculty of Philosophy
Description: Tasting wine is an occasion for pleasure, but also an opportunity for thought. Professor Barry Smith explores whether the pleasures of wine can be shared, and the philosophical questions raised by our taste experiences. Recording of talk given by Professor Barry Smith on 23rd October 2009 as part of the Cambridge Festival of Ideas events.

Sponsorship of the event by Cambridge Wine Merchants (see and the Institute of Philosophy (see

The wine used for tasting: Haunt Cotes de Beaune, 2006 from Chateau de Mercey.

Media items

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Media items

The Philosophy of Wine - from Science to Subjectivity


Cambridge Festival of Ideas - recording of talk given by Professor Barry Smith on Friday 23rd October.

Collection: The Philosophy of Wine - from Science to Subjectivity

Institution: Faculty of Philosophy

Created: Mon 26 Oct 2009